

本段解绍华人二语学校者阅读写作中常常见的另外一种失败内型:分号拼结句comma splice。

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现在来欧博体育APP 完成8个学员习作中的病句列子了解怎么修改游戏句号剪切句。


After a long and serious discussion, I'd like to announce here that our government's fund will be divided into six parts, all these projects are very important to our life, and here are the details about our decision.


After a long and serious discussion, I'd like to announce here that our government's fund will be divided into six parts. All these projects are very important to our life, and here are the details about our decision.

也能够 变为定语从句:

After a long and serious discussion, I'd like to announce here that our government's fund will be     divided into six parts, all these projects  allocated to six projects, which are very important to our life. Here are the details about our decision.


🍰We have already studied reports from last year, after a heated discussion, we complete the plan of allocating funds of 5 million to 3 competing projects for public causes.


🐬We have already studied reports from last year. After a heated discussion, we complete the plan of allocating funds of 5 million to 3 competing projects for public causes.


💎Fund of 5,000,000 will be given to three projects, here are reasons of our decision.


𓃲A fund of 5,000,000 will be given to three projects, here are the reasons for our decision.


🗹A fund of 5,000,000 will be given to three projects, and here are the reasons for our decision.


❀A fund of 5,000,000 will be given to three projects. Here are the reasons for our decision.


$2,000,000 will be spent on building affordable accommodation. House means a lot for us, it may be a symbol of home. When we have a house, don't to be that large, can give us feelings of safety.


🅘$2,000,000 will be spent on the project of affordable accommodation. Having a house means a lot to us, since it is a symbol of home. Having a house, even if it is small, can give us feelings of safety.


Admittedly, reducing air pollution has to do with our daily lives ,providing free higher education and increasing school budgets that are concerned with education are important issues for country's future.


Admittedly, reducing air pollution is closely related to our daily lives; providing free higher education and increasing school budgets     that are concerned with education   are important issues for country's future.




Living is always in the first place for our life and a person definitely can't survive without water, thus water shortage has to be the first and the most severe problem to take over.

Living is always in the first place for our life and a person definitely can't survive without water. Thus, water shortage has to be the first issue to be addressed.



ꦆSecondly, I regard the project about building a new school for the low-income families in the community is of the medium importance, however considering it may be less costly than buying buses, I would allocate this project with one million dollars.

♎   Secondly,  I regard     the project about  building a new school for the low-income families in the community      is of the medium importance   as the second important project. However, considering it may be less costly than buying buses, I would allocate this project with one million dollars.


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