

♒Cause and effect essay是描述从文中的有一个注重写作方法。在开场段句的写上,各不相同essay左右说真的呼和浩特市小异。这段话以因果文的篇首一段文字为例子,阐明Funnel introduction漏斗结语段的写法。

例文都是篇题写Effects of Socially-Constructed Stress on Women's Health因果文的开场段。源自MICUSP语料库,是由在法国大学考研求学的大学本科毕业生写。全篇研讨会了时代压力差对女生良好诱发的影晌,是获评为好的的运行。


整段共出八句话,前七句为general statements, 后来两句是thesis statement。欧博体育APP 将整段按短句为工作单位分别,分句浏览,当做者是怎么样去从general statements调整到thesis statements的。


In our lives, we all experience stress; these stress come from many factors that include the urgency to perform under pressure, to need to do well in school or at the workplace, or from the multi-faceted roles that we must play within our lives.

以生话中的气压是进入点。(Stress in life)


Being a sister, daughter, a team player, a mother, and a wife can cause one to feel overwhelmed.

自然是而然的说到女孩在居住中的气压。(women’s stress in life)


Although both men and women experience stress, the negative impacts on health as a result of exposure to stress are different.

从女方的的生活压差值频繁到压差值对男男女女形成负面欧博体育APP 反应的异同。(Differences in effects of stress on men and women)


One reason is due to the difference in physiological characteristics such as the presence of reproductive system and its associated hormones in women but not in men.

从胎儿性别地域不同讲到会导致地域不同的生理问题主观原因。(Physiological cause)


Another factor contributing to the difference is due to the fact that each sex faces unique and different quantities of socially-constructed stress such as a woman expected to become a mother.

和可能会导致对比分析的社会的主要原因。(Social cause)


Socially-constructed stress is the stress implemented by society based on gender role expectations with culture being a major contributor.

大自当然然的过分到社交重压。(Social stress)


Many stressors that women endure tend to be chronic or repeated nature while for men, the stress is more acute.

🐓再讲到中国社会重压的同卵双胞胎差距。(Gender differences in social stressors)

对接Thesis statement:

The negative impact of socially constructed stress on women causes a wide range of health issues that can be both physiologically and psychologically.

申辩权内容的实际上热议话题,当今社会压为对女性不更健康的直接影响。(Effects of social stress on women's health)


  • ·Stress in life

  • ·Women’s stress in life

  • 𝓀·Differences in effects of stress on men and women

  • ·Physiological cause

  • ·Social cause

  • ·Social stress

  • ·Gender differences in social stressors

  • ·Effects of social stress on women's health

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