
Students Assistants

Grade 2015
Business English
𝄹 My team members and I are responsible for every little tasks in the writing center, constituting the daily routine of it. Efficiency and excellence are what I'm pursuing all the time, and it inspires me a lot.


Grade 2015
Business English
🎀 I love to challenge myself and always try my best to do everything.


Grade 2016
Business English
🌞 I am a big fan of sports, especially basketball. And playing music is also one of my hobbies.


Grade 2016
Translation and Interpretation
♈ I am curious about everything new in my life and I am willing to try it.


Grade 2016
Translation and Interpretation 
ꦬ I believe that if everyone is determined to do things, they can all make their dreams come true. And don't say you cannot do it before you try.


Grade 2016
Business English
♍ I love reading, painting, and also my major business English. I hope I can
♑challenge myself and make more progress in the future.


Grade 2016
English (Financial News)
ﷺ I enjoy reading and listening to music. "Stay hungry, stay foolish" always inspires me.


Grade 2016
Translation and Interpretation
෴ I am an outgoing person and always look forward to making new friends.


Grade 2017
English (Financial News)
✱ I'm  resourceful and thoughtful. I like to innovate and try to make everything
around me perfect and creative.

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